This is a YouTube traffic tactic. business, training course that will show you how you too will be able to make money online..
This is a revolutionary, paid lead traffic marketing technique, business, Cracked Code, yes a loop hole, that can get saturated, and because of the way we are showing it, it will get saturated... So time is of the essence.. get all the paid leads and monies you can while it's hot.
I know you have heard a lot of sales pitches, offering to sell you something that will teach you how you too can make money online... Well, enough with the you might & could make some money, I'm thinking we are online right now, let's make some money NOW NOW...
By the time you finish this 3page report, it wont be okay now go and try to make some money, but by the time you're finished with your participation, here is what you can accomplish for yourself...
1. $20 to $100+++ dollars owed to you, on its way to your residence in spendable CASH/DEBIT..
2. 50/50 chance at winning a $50 dollar giftcard from Amazon or Walmart or a $200, $100, or $50 dollar Giftcard giveaway in one of our other group giveaways for new members..
3. Support/Training from the online nonprofit Fresh Start Entrepreneurship that has figured it out, which stands in support of community, from the panhandler to the business owner, the student, to the dreamers...
4. A done for you profit pulling PDF report and site. that you can just plug your links into and make anywhere from $1 to $100+ dollars from everybody you share this report with helping them to make some money...
5. #5 has a crazy viral effect to it.. And for people who are seriously trying to make some extra money with minimal to no effort on their part, they cannot pass this up. This 5th viral effect has the web on fire.. With you registering for free today from this report, you will receive a paid position in our partnering community investment group. where you will be in line to receive residual CASH/DEBIT payouts of $300 dollars + per month, per projected turnover. Meaning as the group's new members grow, so does your pay levels. As every new qualifying member will get a paid growing investment Spot gifted to them by the organizing nonprofit Fresh Start Entrepreneurship...
Allot like getting FREE stock in Fresh Start!
3page Profit Pulling PDF reports created and distributed by the nonprofit Fresh Start Entrepreneurship...
That has brought game changing products like Click Share Riches, Fresh Start Mix compilations, now profit pulling PDFs...
In these reports you will be able to register, and become a new member of Fresh Start... the nonprofit that stands in support of community, from the panhandler to the business owner, the student, to the dreamers...
But not only is it free to join Fresh Start but you will be paid to do so.. also you will be placed inside our groups where we have cash and gift giveaways for new members...

This report, is going to start off sounding like the same YouTube marketing that everybody is doing...
Well, for one YouTube is not really that overly tapped for little guy marketing.Yes the big guys, have a lot of money, millions. And even a lot of the little big guys online they spend thousands even hundreds of thousands on marketing on YouTube.And yes they are making that back from promoting on YouTube, in sales and recruitment, making videos and connecting them to products or information.
But let me tell you, it's not the same marketing strategy. You have not seen this online, or if you have your already making money from it and your back for new information. And I have to tell you as a (warning) - you will have trouble sleeping, after you learn about this strategy, and you can see it in play for yourself. Like now before you have finished reading this report, you could very well have some money on the way to you. And not only that, but after you complete your $50 paid qualifying registration, you WILL have a residual, automatic cash payment account with your name on it.
What Does That MEAN??? That means, (YOU), and everybody the company registers into the program, and everybody who the companies affiliates register into the program, on top of being paid their registration bonus, they will also be placed on the list, inside our partnering community investment group... where when new members come in behind you, your name will move up the list, to the top for a $300 payout... Trial projections is a $300 payout monthly.
( The Cool Thing Is )
It's all FREE to you, better yet, you get PAID to get started.
for you reading this (YouTube Masquerade) profit pulling PDF. You accepting this YouTube masquerade invitation.
You will get all that is listed above, plus let's not forget about the product video you was just watching.
That's yours for joining, this YouTube masquerade party, because you will make the money to buy it. Actually, you have a choice.... It just wouldn't be a party without choices....
The choices you will have to make, as a new qualified registry inside the masquerade, you have to choose which group giveaway you would like to join, to win even more cash and prize giveaways.. for all the new members, who joined our program...
so after completing your registration, and your registration bonus paycards, are on their way to your house, you need to join one of the three groups of the social media links provided.
Group 1- You will get (2) Lead generating software's, (MLM RECRUIT) (SMS Phone Leads System) with resale rights.. A Paid spot into the Click Share Riches Platform built inside Facebook where you can win money for sharing FB post... Also you will get a paid spot in the community investment project where you will get a residual payout of $300 dollars plus, as your name reaches the top of the payout list as new investors come into the group…
group 1 you enter when you request (1) of our paycards
Or complete promo 1 or 2 below...
Group 2 The Click Share Riches Life Line Group. In this Fb group we have our Free Phone & Wifi Services. In this group we are giving the software to everyone that gets their free service activated, & to every 5th member a paid spot in the
Click Share Riches Community Investment Project.
group 2 you enter when you qualify for the free Phone & Wifi Service (1) of our paycards
1. Free to start better yet paid to start...
2. That Start is a Fresh Start Entrepreneurship membership you become a participant/sponsor of Fresh Start the nonprofit that has figured it out.. They stand in support of community-H.R, small business owners from the panhandlers to the student to the fortune 500.. Tying business and community together...
3. A paid for spot on our partnering community investment, where $300 dollars on estimated contingents will be paid to you on a monthly residual basis. Unlike other investment groups, you cannot lose money here.. Your investment is either going up fast or slow. This is a world wide investment group even though everybody around the world will not be able to get a FREE spot on the investment list, So those of you who do and get paid to do it.. its going to be big as others around the world make their low cash investment to watch their money grow, all of you getting in for FREE from registering with our program & sponsors will be able to get paid off that world wide investment growth..
4. Fresh registered members are placed in giveaway group1 given the lead generating software & spots in Fresh Starts Projects Like Click Share Riches & The community Investment Group..
To except this invitation, you must register at least one (1) of our sponsors Paycards, That will get you into group one (1) with the package prizes..
Our sponsors are the leading debit card providers in the world... And through their marketing budgets have offered to give a sign up bonus to all new members, or pre-existing members who have not used their cards in over six months, you can request a new card and get a CASH BONUS for getting a new card...
A lot of you reading this now have some of these cards in your pocket, you just didn't get paid to get them or have not been making money with them.. Really Did Not Even Now You Could!!!
Now That you Know Lets make some money.. I told you in the beginning of this report you would finish this report and could have money on the way owed to you ties to a nonprofit that will support you in the development of our community and your business or career.. Below are Photo Representations of the Paycard Providers, Just Click On The Cards you would like to request to participate in the program with...
Remember- the more cards you have the more money you will be paid as a Bonus up to (Ninety Dollars) $90.00.. and this gives you a better chance of having a card for your new recruits that they dont already have, the new recruits you will get when you start to share this report with your leads and business partners with your paycards in it...
Step 1) Click on the Paycards you would like to request to participate in the programs & Product Promotional Giveaways..
The numbers below the images are what you will be paid for registering..ITS FREE TO REGISTER!
P.S. If you already have any of the cards but have not used them in 6 months you can re-register as a new card holder & get the bonus, NOTE The Brinks & NetSpend are the same issuing card company & will only pay bonuses for one. So You get $20 From Brinks or Netspend NOT BOTH !
$20 Brinks $20 NetS $20 Simple
Step 2) Contact your recruiter Or an associate of the nonprofit the information is below. Get them involved in what your doing believe me they want you too.
And TEXTING is fine, just not while driving.. LOL, Just Contact your recruit There is a Photo, Name, Number, Email, & Social Connect for you to branch out with your business. I told you this was one of the most simplest ways to generate leads & profit at the same time... & like I said yes this can & probably will saturate,
Around 10,000-ten thousand new eligible people come of age (18) every day in America to participate in our program,
YES YOU MUST BE 18 YEARS OF AGE & or a legal American citizen to get paid to join..
Although, Fresh Start is working out ways to try to involve everybody in the cash giveaways it will just take you not living in the states a little more effort to get involved but just connect with the fresh world marketing group below with the other groups and as we work with who was in before you, we work with you and then create, what we call "Collaboration" between you and the other members in the Fresh Start program from around the world...
Watch Crazy Live vids Post yours Get PAID

Step 3- Join giveaway group 1. This is your connect to Fresh Start Entrepreneurships, Software, Training, & Support with your business. Also making you a member of Click Share Riches-the only group on facebook where you get paid for shares and to recruit new members into the group... Our Community investment group, paying you an estimated $300 dollars a month as a member..
Facebook is our social choices platform.. mostly everybody has one, and if you dont, then build you an account it will boost your business..
The Fresh World Marketing banner is the facebook group Fresh Start built to colab with entrepreneurs around the world & because our sponsors Paycards are only available to U.S. citizens, if your not, join the Fresh World Marketing group connect with the admin and let them know you want to join fresh start, as we have made away to let everybody profit from the Paycard opportunity..
EveryBody that registers will get a download link to a FREE traffic generating software..
Plus a link to a contest to win another $50 dollar gift Card for sharing this opt-in page,
-The one with the most most emails wins-
Here is How I YouTube Masquerade!
I upload videos of booming products or viral content, & During the video, with recommended software, offer the viewer away to get this product for free. Then you just leave the link of your profit pulling PDFs in the description of the YouTube viral video.. But before you upload this booming video the product developer has already made for you, so you never run out of videos to post.. Before that, SEO the video, & I recommend a few cheat, must have software's, that will have your product videos ranking high on the #1 page of Google and YouTube search.. giving you crazy views to your uploaded video & ultimately to your profit pulling PDF, making you tons of money...
And that is how I YouTube Masquerade...
Step 1: Use Recommended software to find hot trending product videos from allover the web, That same recommended software will (SEO) the video for page #1 rankings on Google & YouTube search engine for keywords...
Step 2: Next, I use another software that can pop-up any message I want, while viewers are watching the video. I invite my viewers to masquerade with me. Telling them to read this profit pulling pdf that by the time they have finished the 3 page report they could have money owed to them that can pay for whatever product video I masqueraded.. Or they just win some prizes & live their lives,
Either way - The YouTube masquerade gifting, the community investment group , & the giveaway product promotions I MAKE MONEY...
So Should YOU...
Recommended Software
This is Recommended software. You can YouTube masquerade without it, but this is what works for me it makes it super easy and fast to get the videos of the product the developer made (SEO) and fit with pop-ups that are linked to the profit pulling reports..